Between Brothers
Between Brothers is a historical fiction novel set in 1930's Spain as the country moves swiftly toward civil war. Enter into the lives of Javier, Rafa, and Inés Jiménez, as they come of age during a time of political and social unrest. Will the strong bonds of their family and the friendship they develop with a young socialist be enough to keep them safe?
Watch the promotional video to learn more.
Metts writes with exquisite tenderness when chronicling the lives of the Jiménez family and skillfully weaves history and the background causes of the Spanish Civil War into their story.
Renee F.
Georgia, USA
I was so taken by the author's ability to write complex and endearing characters. The book hit every emotional high and low I could have asked for.
Riley R.
Washington, USA
The tale of a young family caught living through the years that led to the Spanish Civil War. A story full of tenderness, empathy, suspense, realism and romance. Bravo!
Ana J.
Madrid, Spain

“This novel vividly describes the life of a Catholic family in Madrid during the years leading up to and including the beginning of the civil war of 1936. It captures much of the flavor of Spain and of the fevered conflict of those years. Not a “political novel,” it nonetheless portrays the sharp tensions of that era, while managing to humanize actors on both sides.”
Stanley Payne
Jaume Vicens Vives and Hilldale Professor Emeritus
of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Authority on Fascism and modern Spain

Sarah Metts is a writer, history teacher, and aspiring Spanish historian. Her love of Spain—its culture, history, and traditions began when she visited her mother's family there as a young girl. Over the years she has fallen more and more in love with Spain—with the artwork, the magnificent old churches, the flamenco, and the warmth and character of the Spanish people.
Sarah's father told her stories about the martyrs of the Spanish Civil War and she wrote her undergraduate thesis about the war. However, it wasn't until her grandmother passed away in 2016 while Sarah was living in Madrid that she began to learn more about what life was like for ordinary Spaniards in the years leading up to 1936.